Sunday, September 18, 2016

Light & Rice field

Through a rain cloud, light comes in in the rice field.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Higanbana (Spider lily)

The place of origin of the Higanbana is China and Japan.

It is a red flower blooming from the summer end to the autumn.

Recently, I came across blooming beautifully in the field.
So, I took a photograph in spite of myself.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Would you like to experience the harvesting rice.

Autum is the season of the harvest

As with last year, also this year,
We will hold a harvest experience meeting in the rice fields
of the country life experience House "Mukawa-mura"
at Hokuto-shi in Yamanashi, which we operates.

Date: October 10, 2016
Place: Mukawa Village at Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi
Time:  About 4 hours including lunch time.
Entrance fee: Free (with a lunch)
Available in English.
The meeting place is "Mukawa-mura".
Please come to the site directly on the event day.

Application and inquiry :

Last year's appearance

Cosmos sulphureus has bloomed in the neighborhood of roadside